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Mano Blog

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2015-07-01 May I introduce my true business?

_ [仕事] May I introduce my true business?

  I had four exciting meetings with partners in Silcon Valey.

  The meeting with the lawyer wiped out all my legal concern. The discussion with the lawyer is always highly productive, because he is so logical and practical.

  The meeting with development partner who is really gadget junky makes me happy with a new toy.

  After those two meetings, I visited one office of Japanese research institution to meet the head of the office.I met him last night to share the dinner, but it is first time to introduce each other as a business partner.

  What I had explained first is I am not a farmer and Japanese miso manufacturer.Last night, we almost spent the time to talk about fermented food such as a miso, karasumi and pancetta etc.Therefore, he may have misunderstood my job, so it is necessary to clear his misunderstanding.

  Not only for him but also for all of my friend who have similar misunderstanding, I would like to declare that I am not a farmer, Japanese miso manufacturing is not my main job....

  After that we moved on to business role, and we found a couple of opportunities of collaboration works.

  The last one is the meeting with industrial designer team. This team had designed for EveryStamp that is definitely satisfied for me.We have plan for next gadget that is called EveryStick, i believe that we will get more sophisticated EveryStick soon.We had shared delightful dinner with chief designer in down town Santa Clara.

  After got back to the house, I had web meeting before to go to the bed....um long day.

2015-07-02 Things are easy to understand

_ [仕事]Things are easy to understand 

  I introduced current status of EverySense to a couple of people today in Silcon Valey.It is quite nice to have those opportunities of meeting with people who have entrepreneurship.

  By the way, I showed them my new product called EveryStamp.

In the result of those meetings, I convinced that things are easy to understand than information.EveyStamp is a reference product and it is not my main business, but it takes people's interest quickly and it opens the doors for the next step.

  Fortunately many people support the cute design of EveryStamp, and requested to have it.I am honestly happy about this response.

  I met two entrepreneurs who are in the startup phase today.One guy is creating cool fog computing system and I have a lot of sympathy with his policy.

  And I shared dinner with another entrepreneur who is getting well in KickStarter now, and he mentioned me with many things about cloud funding.

  Thank you for all of you whom I shared nice time today.

2015-07-03 Pre test for new R&D

_ [仕事] Pre test for new R&D

  I drove down to Half Moon Bay in the early morning to join the beach riding of Bay Area Ridge Riders.

  Today my partner Kaley was 14year old quarter horse mare. She reacted to my natural aid smoothly, and I was able to feel her bar on my finger.

  During this awesome 10km trail ride, I took my tracking record by EquiTrack application on iPhone.According to the recorded data, the maximum speed of today's trail was 24.7km/h.

  This was recorded on canter session at the beach, and it may be a little slower than speed on normal grand condition, because the sandy beach was soft and deep.

  Even so, this is important for my new collaborative R&D project that I confirmed the way to correct speed and position data.

  After finished this trail, I drove back to Sunnyvale to meet my development partner.He already prepared new gadgets with nice case that were printed by his 3D printer.

  I am exciting now, because I got those new gadgets and some of the research partner team who is able to do an experimental field test.

  I am looking forward to getting good data and result with them soon.

画像の説明 画像の説明 画像の説明

2015-07-04 Customer services

_ [MISC] Customer services

  I missed the shuttle bus to SJC airport from the hotel this morning and moreover the next shuttle was cancelled.Therefore I asked the reception staff to call a TAXI.However, the TAXI did not come over 20min, then I decided to cancel the TAXI and use Uber.

  Nice new Toyota and driver picked up me at the front of the hotel within just 1min after I clicked Uber-X request.This is definitely true service solution that customer demand for.

  Unfortunately Ubrer has been exposed to much refuge and interference by legacy society in the world today.As you may know, their service in Japan was stopped by MoT even if it is a experimental test.

  Of course, there are many things that we have to consider of consumer services such as safety, insurance and so on.However, those should be built on how the service can provide benefit to the stakeholders of societies.

  I think that those services must not be refused by reason of the particular party interested.

2015-07-05 言語変換機能 On/Off

_ [MISC][仕事] 言語変換機能 On/Off







2015-07-06 一週間は長い

_ [MISC] 一週間は長い







2015-07-07 構造分離とUI/UXの狭間

_ [仕事] 構造分離とUI/UXの狭間





  たとえば、何かを検索するとしたら、{対象項目、条件値、条件}を持つ条件式を指定し、これが複数ある場合には、その式同士の論理関係(OR,AND,EXOR) などを利用者が指定することになる。こういうのは、理系頭な人には、おそらく快適だし、使いやすいと評されるかもしれないけど、そうじゃない人には、小難しいインタフェースと思われたりする。なんでもいいから、ボタンをクリックしたらこういうのが検索されます的なのが、簡単なわけだ。



2015-07-08 今更聞けない異分野の基礎的疑問

_ [仕事] 今更聞けない異分野の基礎的疑問

  参加しているDICOM2015で受ける感想は 、2年前のDICOMO2013の時の感想 となにも変わらず、かなり悲しい。



  Multiple Degree Programとかが当たり前の世界じゃないから、特定分野に閉じこもって、お山の大将になるのも良いけど、 Philosophy Doctorを育てるならば、広い知験が必要だろう。


2015-07-09 指導教官出てこい!!

_ [仕事][電波] 指導教官出てこい!!










2015-07-10 南下する爆買ツアー

_ [MISC][] 南下する爆買ツアー


  到着したはやて号の指定席は、車両の進行方向一番後ろの列だったのだが、座席と後ろの壁の間に、いくつものスーツケースが置かれていて、フルにリクライニング出来ない。まぁ、80%くらいは倒れたので、そんに窮屈ではなかったけど、こういう置き方する人って何なのさって思った。スーツケースの上には、北海道銘菓 白い恋人が箱買いされたようで、そんな箱が積んである。東京駅に到着したら、隣国からの来日ツアーの人たちが車両の真ん中付近から移動してきて、これらの荷物を降ろしていて、所謂爆買ツアーだったみたいだ。北海道に行って、東北も回って、南下していくんだ。



2015-07-11 出発蕎麦

_ [] 出発蕎麦







_ [] Waikoloa again

  I have arrived at Waikoloa through Honolulu in the afternoon for the week of IEEE802.Recently we hold a meeting every year in Waikoloa and the contract between IEEE and the hotel will be continued until 2018.

  Past a couple of years, we held this meeting on March or May and the weather was so nice.However, it is a little bit high humid today because the wet wind from a hurricane comes.

  And moreover Mauna Kea was veiled, I thought it was covered with cloud.The driver of the shuttle bus said, it was covered by volcanic ashes, so volcano is very active this year.

  As you may know, volcano is getting more active not only here in Hawaii, but also in Japan.I know that we cannot control those huge power of nature, but we may know how to live with nature.

  I am going to survey a part of nature with ECo conscious vehicle tomorrow. :-) 

  After checked in the hotel, we shared the dinner with a couple of researchers and we wish to have productive week of IEEE.

2015-07-12 Boost the week by horseback riding

_ [][仕事] Boost the week by horseback riding

  I had a day off before beginning the busy week of IEEE802 plenary today.Me and my friend went to my favorite place in Hawaii Island called Paniolo Adventure for horseback riding.

  Today, we enjoyed 4 hours of trail guided by a nice girl who came from Colorado.She was the guide of my first riding at this ranch 3 years ago.

  We finished the 10mies riding that include a couple of trot and canter session by 1pm. Even if it is a humid day, the cool wind from the mountain cooled me and my horse.

  Especially in the canter session, my partner Polu runs very powerfully but it is enough stable.Then I recorded my fastest speed of canter at 31.25 km/h (20 mph).

  After this riding we had lunch at Brewhous restaurant which a guide recommended.This is a local brewery and they serve a lot of variety of beer.First we tried 10 x 35oz sampler, and then we decided to purchase 3 type of beer by the jar for our night private social

  After getting back to the hotel, I attended the CAC meeting that is the first meeting of the business week.This week I am expecting that TGai make progress towards the next step.

  In the night, 9 Japanese joined to my room for a private social and we enjoyed the beer.

  I hope to have a nice week for the 25th anniversary of IEEE802.11.

画像の説明 画像の説明 画像の説明

2015-07-13 Never ending problem

_ [仕事][電波] Never ending problem

  IEEE802 plenary had started at 8am morning.I had two of TGai slot today, and it absolutely got good process.We made all of comment resolutions for the comments which were received in the latest letter of ballot.Definitely I can expect to move forward with the next step during this week.

  Then I cancelled PM2 session of TGai today, but WG chair reported me that 21 attendances had recorded on the TGai PM2 by web attendance tool.I know that at least one of those attendance is recorded by miss operation.Because it's me.(I attended TGah on PM2 and clicked the TGah but....)

  After regular session, we had two interesting tutorials in the evening.

  First topic "802.11 as a component" is proposed by the WG chair. This is a proposal to re-consider the architecture of 802.11 and make it more modularize.This is a good concept to improve the availability of IEEE802.11 for the future requirement.

  I think there are two of approach, one way is to create some new mechanism to control and manage the 802.11 by upper layer system, and the another one is to simplify the existing 802.11 architecture and separate LLC and PHY.

  One of the problem of 802.11 standard is highly binding between LLC and PHY.This is the problem that is never solved like the issue of Locator&ID separation to hold the TCP/IP.

  2nd topic of the tutorial was lecturing of IPR policy by PatCom.This is one of the hot topics especially in the 802.11 today.PatCom just only introduced IPR and we did not have any discussion about this topic tonight.

  The one-sided introduction may seem to be not enough in fairness, however it is good to keep the neutrality of PatCom.Because PatCom does not focus on only specific WG as well as 802.11, all of related discussion should be open to every WG.

  Today I attended all of slots that include two tutorial from 8:00am to 9:00pm.Finally I shared dinner after night tutorial session and got a good night cap with freiends.

2015-07-14 Standard or Monopoly.

_ [電波][仕事] Standard or Monopoly.

  It is not easy to find the compromise of standardization and the monopoly.

  The standardization gives profit by mutual conformance to consumers.It removes the wall of the different country standard and product.In other words we can choose the product which is not limited to a vendor and the country.

  From supplier point of view it is cut two ways sometimes.Standardization create and improve the market growth, this is the common benefit for both of supplier and consumer.However, standardization accelerate the commoditization of the technology even if supplier have been spending huge R&D resources to the technology.Therefore IPR is very important strategy issue.

  In this week, we are facing to the hard situation of IPR issue that one of the member company refused to ratify the IPR of IEEE-SA.I am expecting that IEEE-SA and WG will clear this dead lock issue in near future.

  But this is not issue of particular company and TG, then we also may have to re-consider the strategy of standardization.This is a good case study for every company, especially it is important to a couple of Japanese company who do not have strong strategy.I hope to follow up this case and try to find the roots of the issue.

  Tonight I shared dinner with 8 Japanese researchers at RUTH'S CHRIS STEAK HOUSE and got back to the evening session.

  And after finish the evening session, I was invited to join TGub(Uisge-beatha) at pool side.Unfortunately I was able to join this wonderful meeting only for 10 minutes, because I had to participate the another teleconference of new IoT project in Japan.Because the teleconference was also exciting enough for me, I could not re-join the TGub until midnight.Even it was midnight, TGub friends were continuing the happy time at the pool side, and I got nice single malt as one for the road.

2015-07-15 Happy 25th anniversary IEEE802.11

_ [電波][仕事] Happy 25th anniversary IEEE802.11

  Today, we had a memorial event that celebrates the 25th anniversary of IEEE802.11 at the mid week plenary of WG.We got a speech by three former working group chairmans and existing WG chairman.Honestly I strongly recognized their pride and love for IEEE802.11.That not only based on their long history and technology, but also it based on their management skills.

  The IEEE802.11 had started in 1990 for rural area communication. I also have been working in this field since 1983.In my case Wireless LAN radio RZ95001 which I designed first had been developed from 1993 and released in 1996.

The feature of RZ95001 was introduced in a couple of article such as RCR Wireless

  "Tokyo-based Real Object Oriented Technologies introduced the Rz95001, a complete spread spectrum high speed data communication unit that can be used in normal to harsh environments where data security and accuracy are required to be transmitted over distances up to a half mile. The RZ95001 modem product provides simple operation and employs direct sequence spread spectrum technology with eight selectable data rates from 174 Kbps up to 2 Mbps. Both QPSK and BPSK modulation are available depending on the data rate. "

  At that time, this RZ95001 incorporated over 1000pcs of electric components on 3 PCB.

  In 1997 the 1st IEEE802.11 standard was approved, but it was not enough to be majority as de facto standard.Then I designed my first Wireless IP router product with RZ95001 which has proprietary MAC and PHY.However, IEEE802.11b was established in 1999 and it was really well designed standard which provides not only PHY but also MAC.

  From this point, I decided to use the IEEE802.11b and change the radio unit to an existing PCMCIA type radio card. The new wireless IP router with IEEE802.11b product was released in 2001.In other words, I have been walking with IEEE802.11 all the time since 1993.

  For the standardization works, I was only one of early adopter, because I have been believing that it will be majority of business if it is good technology.Actually sometimes I had attended IEEE802.11 meeting in that period, but I did not submit any contribution.

  In 2004, I proposed an idea of fast hand over in TGu, but it was not supported by the people in IEEE802.11 cause of lack of marketing point of view.

  In 2009, I restarted to propose the same technology idea, and it was approved to form FIA study group in March 2010.

  I have been working as a chair of SG/TG during this 5 years between 20th to 25th anniversary. Hence I am proud that I am a member of IEEE802.11WG.

  And now I would like to say "Happy 25th Aniversarry IEEE802.11".

画像の説明 RZ95001

2015-07-16 Page view of English page

_ [PC][インターネット] Page view of English page

  I had switched on the location related language mode of this blog site. Therefore the posted article will be written in English when I post the article from the outside of Japan.

  Today, I found that the number of page view of the article written in English is lower than the article in Japanese. One of the reasons of low page view is the poor English expression. However, I guess, main visitor to this blog is Japanese and they skip to read the article body if the title was in English. This blog is posted to my Facebook page automatically, and some of my Facebook friend post their comment in Japanese even if it was written in English.

  This is a very small result of observation, but I have to recognize that there is a big wall of language on the Internet.

  Someone says "Globalization is required". Yes it is true.

  And Someone says "The globalization is not same as English", Yes it is true too.

  Even if this is slight observation, I believe that I may find some changes in visitor if I continue to post some English article more for the globalization of my self.

  I almost finished my conference week by CAC tonight except the closing plenary and EC that will be held tomorrow. This week TGai was so productive and we approved to go to the final recirculation of WG letter of ballot. And I am expecting to get the conditionally approval to forwarding to the sponsor ballot tomorrow.

2015-07-17 IEEE802.11ai D6.0 move to forward

_ [仕事][電波] IEEE802.11ai D6.0 move to forward

  IEEE P802.11ai D6.0 has been conditionally approved to go to the Sponsor Ballot by executive committee of IEEE802 this afternoon. This is very good progress for us, and now we start the final round of creating standard.

  We had started FIA -SG in 2010, and moved to the task group in 2011. So we have worked to create the specification of 11ai since 2010. The sponsor ballot process is to ask the sponsor reviewing of the draft. Usually we may have a couple of recirculation in sponsor ballot until it is approved. The final authorization of the draft is planned now on September 16. We work together for at least another 14month. Of course I know that this plan is very optimistic, but it is true I can estimate the road to the goal now.

  As you may know, IEEE802.11 is largest and most successful working group of wireless communication. There are many pioneers of standardization in this working group, and they always support and mentor the people who contribute to the standardization. In my case, I am the first Japanese officer of the group who was not affiliated with a major organization.

  However, those nationalities and affiliation do not matter to be an officer of the group. More over all of group members has been working together and got this great achievement. IEEE802 is always fair and open for a person who wants to contribute to standardization.

   I would like to suggest that Japanese researchers participate in this standardization activity more. I wish my case study will encourage next generations.

  Anyway, I struggle more till I complete the standardization activity of TGai.

  I celebrated this achievement of TGai with four Japanese researchers tonight at Ruth's Chris Steak House.


2015-07-18 Name Tag

_ [仕事][] Name Tag



  ホノルルに着いたら、通常飛行機の出口のとこで受け取る荷物も、バッケージクレイムに出てくるというので、そのまま回転台で待つも出てこない。ハワイイアンのカウンターで説明したら、次の便で来ると思うとのこと。 タラップ下渡しなので、通常のバッケージタグは着いてないから、トレースもできないから名前と、バッグの特徴、バッグにANAからもらったネームタグが着いてることを告げると、コナの空港に電話をしてくれたけど、すぐに確認は出来なかった。



  急いで、セキュリティ、バスポートコントロールを通って、ほぼ搭乗時刻にゲートに到着して名前を告げたら、"Hi Mr.Mano Your baggage was loaded" とにこやかに応えられて、唖然。


2015-07-19 リゾート路線

_ [] リゾート路線






2015-07-20 BLE

_ [電波] BLE






2015-07-21 自然治癒?

_ [MISC] 自然治癒?



  肝心の検診の値は、血圧も普通で、特に問題なかったので、一安心。一番驚いたのは、心電図で二十歳の頃から毎年指摘されてきたWPW(Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome)が観察されなかったことだ。




2015-07-22 間欠動作はきつい

_ [仕事][電波] 間欠動作はきつい






2015-07-23 電柵事故

_ [MISC] 電柵事故






2015-07-24 仕事を増やす

_ [仕事] 仕事を増やす






2015-07-25 馬研究データ測定 初日

_ [仕事] 馬研究データ測定 初日







2015-07-26 馬研究データ測定 二日目

_ [仕事] 馬研究データ測定 二日目


  馬場の関係で、レッスンなどの合間に時間をみて、少しずつ設営を開始。モーションキャプチャーのシステムを初めてみたけど、見るからに高額& 光学商品だわ。




_ [MISC] 総合馬術




2015-07-27 前期講義終了

_ [仕事] 前期講義終了



2015-07-28 ヒアリング能力

_ [仕事] ヒアリング能力





2015-07-29 The Internet of things

_ [インターネット][仕事] The Internet of things

  今夕、一般社団法人インターネット協会 に新たに設置された、IoT 推進委員会の第一回会合が開催された。比較的ショートノーティスであったのに、60名近くの会員が集まったのは、やはりIoTに対する関心の深さだろう。

  IA-Japanは、日本のインターネットを運営してきたISPやネットワーク機器メーカーなどから構成される団体なので、The Internetを意識した本当のIoTの姿が、この推進委員会によって推進されるのではと、大きく期待している。


2015-07-30 シリアルやコンソールは特になりにけり

_ [仕事][PC] シリアルやコンソールは特になりにけり



  普通に、処理系がシリアルポートを開いて、受信バッファから受信電文を取り出してというのは、難易度大ということらしい。一方で、ストリーミングで即時処理するわけじゃないので、ある程度受信してから、まとめてファィルシステムに書き出せばいいと思うのだが、こちらはデリミタ(なんか昭和だな CR/LFとか)までを受け取ったら、一ファイル書き出すらしい。

  この辺りで、もう年寄りの戯言なんだろうか? かなり悩ましい打ち合わせだった。


2015-07-31 エルネギー系は広すぎる

_ [仕事] エルネギー系は広すぎる



  社会人になってからは、二つ目の職場で送電線故障点評定装置(Fault Locator)なんていうものに関係していたこともあり、電力会社の年配の方とは、話題にこと欠かなかったりする。





  全体会議とかFace to Face は、大事だけど、技術屋どうしは、やはりこういうコミュニティの方が話しが早くて嬉しい。夜、甲府についたら駅前には、地ビールフェスタのはねたあとの寂しさが漂っていた。

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