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2015-08-13 IEEE802.11ai sponsor ballot has been started

_ [電波][仕事][] IEEE802.11ai sponsor ballot has been started

  I travelled from south to north (from Palo Alto to San Mateo) to visit four partners in the Bay Area today.

  Famous venture capitalist who are the mentors of mine always point out the lack of my considering. This is extremely important to improve my way for the next steps.

  Good discussions with the engineer always inspire something new to my idea.

  So I really appreciate all of those who spent time with me.

  After returning to the hotel, I had a teleconference with 802.11 WG chair for the starting of IEEE802.11ai sponsor ballot. WG chair coached me to start the process through the sharing of my desktop.

  I could start the process by his appropriate guide and the web conference even if it was my first experience to start sponsor ballot in IEEE-SA.

  This is the real profit of the Internet that we can share the information over the nations.

  I hope we will have the same profit of information sharing in the IoT world.

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